Membership Benefits

Licensed Therapists

  • 6 bi-monthly warm and friendly general meetings – lunch/brunch
  • 18 CEs annually with a variety of professional speakers
  • Annual Legal and Ethical Workshop, meets BBS 6 unit requirements
  • Professional newsletter, quarterly
  • User-friendly website with online directory
  • Annual Marketing Resource Guide – Membership Directory for members, agencies, 
    schools and professionals in related fields
  • 4 Opportunities to advertise through the VC-CAMFT Chapter:  Newsletter, Email Blasts, Sponsorships,
    and Resource Guide
  • Networking Opportunities
  • An Annual Pre-licensed Job Fair with local agencies
  • Opportunity to participate on the Board or on a committee
  • Opportunities to become a Sponsor and advertise your Business
  • Discounted rates for members on all Chapter Events

Pre-licensed Therapists

  • Meet and learn from experienced clinicians

  • Experience many networking opportunities
  • Build and expand your referral base
  • Meet potential supervisors or mentors
  • Grow educationally and professionally, as
    well as obtain BBS workshop hours
  • Attend our annual Pre-licensed Job Fair

Related Professionals

  • Broaden your referral base through networking
  • Experience opportunities for educational and professional growth
  • Increase your professional visibility within the community

We Can Help You


  • Build and expand your referral base
  • Expand networking opportunities
  • Grow educationally and obtain CEs
  • Benefit from a supportive environment through professional connections
  • Experience person growth through leadership opportunities
  • Obtain current information on legal and ethical issues
  • Have an impact on your local legislation
  • Promote the quality of service in the field of Marriage and Family Therapy
  • Increase your visibility and professional credibility in your community
  • Grow professionally through association with other licensed practitioners

Membership in State CAMFT is required for all Licensed and Pre-licensed Mental Health Professionals

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