Advertising Through E-mail Blasts:  

E-mail blasts are an excellent method for getting information out to the VC-CAMFT membership. 
The following information provides the guidelines for Email Blast. 

Process and Guidelines

Email Blasts must pertain to the mental health field: upcoming events, workshops, trainings, office space, business practices, etc. 

  •  Email the text, as you wish it to appear in the Email Blast or send a print ready pdf
    to Josie Koger at
    1. If your AD has pictures or graphics, you must send a print ready PDF (ready to publish). 
        Note Constant Contact only accepts files up to 5MB. 
    2. If your AD is text only, please send in Word or Google Doc format

    3. Since email blasts are not bound by any deadline, please inform Josie of the date
        that you would like your AD to be sent out. 
  • Payment must be received before your AD can be blasted. Please send $30 Check to: 
    Ventura County Chapter of CAMFT 
       P.O. Box 373
       Camarillo, CA 93011

  • Please provide at least two weeks notice for processing. 
VC-CAMFT has the right to refuse any e-mail ad, or request that it be re-written from any individual, organization or agency. 
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